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    insetat de rosu 27 April 2008 |

    scrisoare 25 April 2008 |


    broscuta Oac 23 April 2008 |

    Trio Grigoriu - broscuta Oac


    darkness 21 April 2008 |


    headlights 3 20 April 2008 |

    My dream car - VW Passat


    strofa de chitara 15 April 2008 |

    Joe Satriani - midnight

    This is to let you know
    That all I feel for you
    Can never wholly go.
    I love you and miss you, even two hours away,
    With all my heart. This is to let you know.
    - Noel Coward (1899-1973)


    situatie |

    There is only one situation I can think of in wich men and women make an effort to read better than they usually do. When they are in love and reading a love letter, they read for all they are worth. They read every word three ways; they read between the lines and in the margins...
    Then, if never before or after, they read.
    -Mortimer J. Adler (1902-2001)


    arhitecti mazgaliti 14 April 2008 |

    De ceva vreme, a fost la noi in buzunar [IAIM] o expozitie de caricatura a mai marilor arhitecti din '60. Am strans cateva mai hazlii si le-am adaugat intr-un catalog. Zambiti va rog !


    drum spre nicaieri 13 April 2008 |

    Vama Veche - calul din Marlboro

    And everybody knows my feeling of a lonely day!


    blocuire 12 April 2008 |

    cu aceasta fotografie am castigat [link] Locul I la concursului foto "Balcoane" organizat de Metropotam.ro premiul oferit constand intr-o Licenta Adobe Lightroom plus un tricou cadou din partea Adobe Romania.Le multumesc cu aceasta ocazie tuturor.

    Tabelul cu intregul clasament (toate fotografiile si toate notele) se afla aici [link] .

    Location: Bucharest


    nu putem opri timpul, dar il putem intoarce 09 April 2008 |

    I have something stupid and ridiculous to tell you...I am in love with you...I thought I should cure myself in seeing you quite simply as a friend ... But I pay too dearly for the moments I pass with you... I know how you think of me, and I have nothing to hope for in telling you this. I can only foresee losing a friend and the only agreeable hours I have passed for a month. But I know that you are kind, that you have loved, and I put my trust in you, not as a mistress, but as a frank and loyale comrade.
    -Alfred de Musset (1810-1857)

    Coldplay - everything


    nimic nu e la fel 08 April 2008 |

    Ask the child why it is born; ask the flower why it blossoms, ask the sun why it shines. I love you because I must love love you.
    - George Upton (1834-1919)


    feel free to dream 06 April 2008 |


    snake wall 05 April 2008 |


    novo 04 April 2008 |


    crash |


    portraits ... and feelings |

    Download AVI version
    400x250, 54.52MB

    "portraits ... and feelings", 04-Apr-2008

    movie and photos by Stelian Popa
    02:10 Minutes

    2 |


    click la vernisaj 02 April 2008 |

    Si pentru ca stiu ca nu mai aveti rabdare uite ca am postat si ce s-a vazut cu ochii la vernisaj. De bine de rau, m-am prezentat onorabil cu 4 lucrari expuse si ca recompensa, alaturi de toti ceilalti participanti , am primit si o diploma de participare [o voi posta in curand, momentan tin tratative de a o recupera de la Alexa]. Emotii, fotografi incinsi de click-uri la maxim, putina muzica si o gustare, un dicurs mic si emotiv tinut de Lavinia [organizatoare], aplauze... pe scurt o seara de vernisaj. Daca va place ce vedeti si nu va ajunge, va invit la expozitie sa vedeti live lucrarile. Timp de o luna [1 aprilie ~ 1 mai] expozitia va fi deschisa in holul etajului II al Facultatii de Istorie din cadrul Universitatii Bucuresti.


    ei "promoveaza" Romania |

    Va amintesc ca de astazi a inceput oficial Summit-ul Nato. Intrebarea este, cam ce au gandit mai mari organizatori cand au ales Romania ?! Nu vom sti prea curand, dar nu ne-ar fi de mirare ca urmatoarea locatie sa fie Kongo sau nu stiu ce trib de prin Africa. Si cum suntem un popor inca departe de un asa eveniment, va reamintesc un moment surprins de mine la plecarea in Verona de pe aeroportul unde aterizeaza mai marele George Bush...

    Si cum Bucurestiul a fost intr-o forfota continua in ultimele zile, timp in care eu am petrecut prin Bacau, reamintesc ca s-au "plantat" peste noapte felii de gazon verde, flori si copaci, s-au vopsit copacii si cate si mai cate tampenii care sunt doar de fatada. Sincer...de toata rusinea !!!Nu mai suport,sunt profund revoltat la acest sistem TAMPIT din Romania!


    spatiu public urban |


    ateneul roman |


    elevation |


    eva towers |


    apus pe gheata |
