I officially stop blogging on this website.
The main reason why I am doing this is because: TIME.
I don't have time to invest in something that is not working, I think instagram or facebook is today most effective ways to promote yourself as a photographer.
Because I customize this blog so much and spend a lot of time to look like this, I will not delete it.
Basically here you can find my begging era as a photographer and a lot of other informations about my gear or links where you can find me so, it will be online for the rest of my life.
Thank you for your support for all this years!
Later update: my blog is now integrated into my website.
Later update: my blog is now integrated into my website.
November 11, 2024 10:58 AM
Sint un lucrator de lumina sub numele de Anonimus pe internet sint si judecator intre ghilimele spus dar sint si de partea echilibrului care lucreaza cu extraterestri si cu Divinitatea desi nu imi este usor mai ales cu fiinte negative si uneori sint epuizat mental. top
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